this, or i believe barr -- i mean mueller has authority up to what his charter says. he's written a memo that's essentially told us what he thinks about what mueller is doing on the conspiracy -- on the obstruction investigation. he told us what he thinks about that. so that means he has already given an opinion that he thinks mueller has exceeded that. and so to sit there and say to a panel of senators that well, i'm not going to do anything as long as he doesn't exceed his authority, he's already told you he feels that way. and it's unbelievable to me that he would share that information with the president and his legal team, or at least his legal team, we assume to the president before this. and i find that -- i find it unbelievable that there is even questions about whether or not he would recuse. but that's where we are. and so probably somebody got to him after a break and said hey, you need to straighten up because the president wants you to make sure that you reiterate that there is no collusion. and that may be a discussion they had in the senate room.