in any of these fights that we're talking about. even in the case of afghanistan and in afghanistan, it's not even the united states leading the fight in taking the brunt of the casualties at this point. the president doesn't note that. >> right, and that's very disappointing. and as david correctly pointed out, these allies are really taking the lion's share of the burden here. and you know, to expect a country like afghanistan or some of the forces in syria to, quote, pay for, unquote, these operations, u.s. military operations, is just impossible. it doesn't work that way. they're doing us a favor by helping us in places like afghanistan and syria. and the fact is that these are all either actual or potential launching points for terrorist attacks. that's the reason we went in on 9/11, as david knows so well. and one of these key things is that if you don't allow your forces to learn the geography,