necessary. it had daca, it had immigration reform, it had border security, it had drones, it had walls, it had improved ports of entry. all of that was in it. unfortunately, speaker bainer and the republicans in the house refused to even take that issue up. since that time the democrats have repeatedly said that we will support border security. we will support all of these elements including fences where useful. now, the president has yet to describe any plans whatsoever as to where he's going to build a wall or the fences or the spiked steel rails. none of that has been given. we would not allow the military -- and i'm on the armed services committee, responsible for this -- to even build a garage for their tanks unless they told us where, when, why it was needed and how much it would cost. then we would appropriate the money. >> so when the president says he will have the military build the wall for him down on the border, your response to that then?