combine finance, is it over the amount of a donation to a candidate would likely be we're talking about millions of dollars. depending on the payment. and then it could also potentially be a question of did the president -- was it knowing and willfully done by him. and so that's the kind of thing they would ask. >> but the new york attorney general is still pressing forward with other parts -- other punishments that she is seeking, including a restitution. so returning money that i guess people had given to the foundation. and also banning president trump or any of his children, anybody who had served on the trump foundation board, from serving on any other charitable board in new york. is that normal? >> i think it's extraordinary. and let's start there. because i do think it's extraordinary. basically, what the ag is saying is they have failed in their fiduciary duties to the nonprofit organization in such an enormous way, they are not qualified to sit on the board of any nonprofit charity in the state of new york. and new york is all that the -- new york ag could control.