questions over whether the u.s. and its allies should keep enforcing sanctions and whether those measures threaten a second meeting between kim and trump, which could move them further toward a historic nuclear deal. >> they should not be paused. the point of all of this is to demonstrate to the north koreans that if they engage, if they work with us to denuclearize the penni peninsula the sanctions will go away. >> reporter: tonight they're concerned that keeping up the pressure campaign could be weakening. they say president trump has been reluctant to call for new sanctions even though the state department and treasury department have been doing that. they say the south koreas are backing away from calling for new sanctions or wanting to enforce them, and kim jong-un is well aware of the resolve for sanctions could be weakening. wolf. >> thank you. breaking news next, the former fbi director james comey cast gates president trump for lying about the fbi and congressional republicans for