hemisphere, in our backyard and we just can't turn our eyes away to the human tragedy that is happening there. >> appreciate your passion and we'll follow it. let me totally switch gears and ask you about this headline, this district court judge last week in texas striking down the entire affordable care act, including the protection for pre-existing conditions. as "the washington post" put it today, the republicans are to blame if the law with no alternative is not revived by a higher court. we covered the midterms closely and that was a key issue -- it was a winning issue for democrats. if your party doesn't figure this one out, how worried are you that it might backfire on republicans come 2020? >> i think it's a huge problem. listen, be careful what you wish for, because you just may get it. and republicans have been wanting to repeal obamacare. it looks like this judge has just tried to do so in this