was an echo of their desire. let's debate. jennifer granholm and rick santorum. rick an especially valued guest as a former u.s. senator. you were not asked to sign on to this letter but would you have? >> no. but i think it tells you something that i wasn't asked to sign on to this letter. if you look at the 10 republicans who signed on the letter, all very good people, friends of mine but they are not i would say conservative republicans or supporters of the president so that's number one. number two, the fact that they didn't reach out beyond a group of folks who are anti-trump gives you more perspective on this. and the other thing what does this letter say? it looks like a letter that maybe was put together or the idea was put together to call on the senate to go after trump or the do something but it looks like a letter written by committee. they couldn't come up with anything other than stand for god and country but it says nothing so i don't know really what this is about. is it a missive to say this is a