district. he's been in front of two judges. they're going to consolidate it down to one sentencing judge. the office is going to put a sentencing memo in, and i think he's given a lot of time. the unofficial reports are something like 70 hours. that's a lot of time also, like flynn's 19 meetings. >> goodness. jefrry toobin made the point, john, earlier that cooperators are usually sentenced after the trial in which they testify. and he says one way to view this is that flynn hasn't testified because the person he can testify against is someone who can't be tried. that would be the president. what do you think? >> well, it's mainly a matter of policy that the president can't be tried. so they're treating this as a political trial or a potential impeachment. in actuality, a president can be indicted as sitting. this is just a policy decision