i agree with what asha just said. flynn, to me, not only did he commit crimes, and i agree with asha, there are other crimes he committed, at the very least, failing to register as a foreign agent. it seems to me the deal he got here was essentially being charged with this instead of something else. but i got to say flynn has exercised such poor judgment from day one, and really it's emblematic of the entire rens. flynn was the guy chanting lock her up. here you have a man who is, you know, a general, a person who has intel experience, who certainly has experience with how our justice system works chanting that the political opponent of the president should be, you know, thrown in jail without any due process for something that has never been charged as a crime before in that manner. so to me, the fact that that guy -- i agree with asha -- is inserting himself and interjecting himself in a presidential campaign, talking about foreign policy when he's being paid by another government to be their advocate, it shows such colossally poor judgment that it's not really surprising that he got himself in criminal trouble. and you have to wonder why the heck was this guy chosen to be