it seems as though the white house doesn't want you talking to her? >> i am not sure that's a correct aassumption she has more information. >> she travelled there. >> yes, and those secretaries also read all the intelligence, and the cia and our intelligence communities make an assessment with some level of probability. again, i believe secretary mattis and pompeo, there's no smoking gun. we don't have a direct link and can't prove it, and so -- >> do you believe the saudi crown prince? >> well, the most malign influence in the region is iran and they are trying to establish more of a base, let's say a hezbollah to ferment more terrorism in the region and saudi arabia is a counter to that force. >> i understand. you are a realist and i get it and i understand and that makes sense, but yes or no, do you believe the crown prince, do you believe his story that he did not order it?

Related Keywords

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