states, and there's nowhere for them to go. >> the reality is whether there is an agreement between mexico and the united states or not, they're staying there. mexico is sort of a waiting room for those people who want to apply for asylum. and we got in touch with the incoming mexican administration and they said we cannot make any agreements with the united states because, number one, we're not in power, first. number two, the president elect does not want to make mexico into a holding territory for those who would want to enter the united states. and so we have the situation where you have hundreds and hundreds of people in limbo and more are coming in. there was a group of another 250 that arrived sunday night to this part of mexico. >> i remember we heard from the interior minister reporting where she said that she does not want mexico to be another holding ground, a waiting room, essentially. but as you point out, there are so many people in mexico right now and more coming. that seems to be the case.