>> we're never ready for the seasons of change, in october we're caught off guard, oh, it's getting cold, what is this, every year now? >> he really works hard to get all the funny out of the joke. like he really is like wringing the funny out. >> how many jokes about seasons does this guy have? >> i came home the other day i was helping my wife fold clothes, a little pair of skimpy underwear, i looked at my wife and i said, when are you going to wear these for me, she said i can't, they're your daughter's. no, no, no. >> i can drop an "f" bomb, and i'll get a laugh, but i think people appreciate when you've taken the time to really think a bit through and how can i do this and walk that line? as we all know, if you've ever dropped a bank safe on your foot there are times when profanity is the right tool at the right time. but it's often a crutch. >> hey --