worked with george w. bush. we'll get his thoughts on what the process is, what these answers might mean. so we'll take care of that. then, this idea that the president wanted to prosecute comey and clinton, how did he say he wanted to do that? to whom did he discuss it with? what would it have meant if he tried to do it? again, he's a great voice on that. we're taking that on and headlines for you. i have a special treat in my thanksgiving closing, j.b. maybe a word about your pretty self. >> a special treat as long as you bring cranberry sauce as well. >> you like the jelly. >> chris cuomo, see you in a few minutes. as recently as yesterday the pentagon said it didn't have a cost it was ready to publicly disclose for the president's border troops but there's breaking news tonight. we're learning what you, the taxpayers, are paying for this particular exercise. that's next. so, that goal you've been saving for, you can do it. we can do this. at fidelity, our online planning tools