acosta is always that he's too aggressive. he's a showboat. that's what you hear on fox news, that he grand stands. you saw jim acosta simply saying he wants to get back to work. there's a lot to cover at this white house. there's a lot to cover in the trump presidency. we need to have reporters on the front lawn covering these stories every day, including jim acosta. it's an important moment for press freedom because this entire case is a test of the rights that we have in america for coverage of the white house, for coverage of politicians. and even reporters in other states, covering state houses, who cover city councils, they're watching this, too, because a tone gets set from the top. the president's attacks on the press are endless, but today, the institutions worked. the courts ruled in the favor of the free press, and of course, as yjessica was saying, limited ruling, but it waw an important first round. >> what was so striking about this was the unanimity of the press corps. everyone from "the new york