prosecutors usually do to inform people before they are about to indict them. we're not usually in the business of saying, we're about to come arrest you, i just wanted to give you a head's up, maybe it's different when it comes to the president and they're operating in a different way, that's not the typical way the prosecutors tend to act, i would be surprised if there was some true groundbreaking tid bit that the president had heard from his lawyers that would cause him to start tweeting about this. >> he heard something, i'm out of time. jim, i want to ask you something. you were there at the federalist society. does that room have respect for robert mueller? >> of course that room has respect for robert mueller. >> he has a stellar reputation. no question about that. i've never been on here criticizing robert mueller. he has a job to do, he's doing this job. it becomes a political process down the road, once the mueller report is issued, gloves come off. >> that doesn't make him unhinged, going crazy, i want to