she had gone up against a lot of people. she had offended a lot of people, mattis, et cetera. she got into an argument over not having a seat on the plane for melania trump's trip to africa. she was rude to some of the east wing staffers. we know from reporting. this was either melania trump sort of hitting back in the same way her husband hits back publicly. >> but she hit him. >> she didn't really hit him. >> you don't think this was embarrassing for him, for his wife to say in public, this woman's got to go? >> i don't really see it that way. after the midterms -- >> do tell. >> we all knew there was going to be this blood bath. we've all been anticipating it. reporters have been scurrying trying to figure out when will nielsen be fired, what does that mean for john kelly? >> if she goes john kelly goes. if sarah sanders goes raj goes. >> you want to say yes, yes, yes and how.