not known made by the men and the women of the military who defended our country and protected our freedoms for generations. veterans, we honor you. to those who've made the ultimate sacrifice, we remember you, thank qulu fyou for your s. we are forever grateful. never forget. the news continues. i want to hand it over to chris for "cuomo primetime." chris? >> beautifully said, anderson, thank you for that. i am chris cuomo. welcome to "primetime", everybody. another key race was just called. not good news for republicans. meanwhile, the florida recount is getting ugly, may get worse. what is true? what is trite? we don't need more opinions from pundits about what might be going on. we need the players and have them on both sides making their cases directly to you. what are their issues? what proof do they have of the sa same? then you decide. the president has weighed in. is he really proposing breaking the law in two different states? facts first. straight ahead. and this story, this photo blowing up online. what the heck are these high