some point, voters in the districts tune out because they got too many contacts, right? there's a point of oversaturation. running a race uni posed or scared, but then you push too hard and too much and people turn off and don't pay attention. >> i think the democrats are scared in a way. they are excited because they think there's a possibility of winning the house and some blue wave, and then they retreat into a corner and say, what if it does not happen? >> did you see nancy pelosi saying they are going to win, and colbert said, do you want to say that? and she cancelled. >> they are worried about it because the biggest hope, i think, this is not just a wave, but realignment, you know, to your point, realignment election which matters at every level, you know, redistricting -- >> why should anyone believe the polls? i mean, why, given -- >> no, you shouldn't. >> i'll give you an example --