running away from the left wing of the party. she knows her constituents. she knows the state, but listen to this part. >> you have the radio ad out saying that you're not one of those crazy democrats. >> claire's not one of those crazy democrats. she works right in the middle and finds compromise. >> what does that mean? >> well, the crazy democrats are the people who are getting in the face of elected officials in restaurants and screaming at them. the crazy democrats is whoever put a swastika on one of josh hawley's signs in rural missouri. that's the kind of stuff i'm talking about. the extreme stuff. >> does she have a point, congressman, that you wish more of your party would listen to? >> well, look. i think our party by and large is made up of people who are committed to a core set of values. protecting people's access to health care, improving family income, getting money out of politics. in every political party, there