smile, that's what i remember. and he held our hands without rubber gloves and he hugged us and he spent time with us. and he's just -- he's a brilliant and compassionate doctor. the world's going to be -- the world's at a loss, i think. >> it also makes me so sad just to hear you point out that he would hold your hand without a rubber glove and to think of all those young men and others who didn't have their hands held without a rubber glove or a medical professional without a mask on because of the fear and the stigma. michael, thank you very much for being with us and telling us about dr. rabinowitz. thank you. >> thank you for helping us honor him. >> and we honor him and all the 11 who were killed here. there's many ways to help the pittsburgh community. the jewish federation of greater pittsburgh is accepting donations for the shooting victims at the tree of life