whatever you want to say, the bottom line of it is, he's innocent until proven guilty, as to the two pieces of evidence you wrefrnsed, the bottom line of it is, in the criminal complaint there's a footnote in the bottom of it that acknowledges the fingerprint evidence has not been confirmed and it would certainly not be admissible in a court of law at this stage as far as proof of guilt. as to the dna, the word was possible dna connection, we don't know if the possible dna connection was 1 in a million, 1 in 1,000, 1 in 2 people. as far as we're concerned at this stage, that's kind of flimsy evidence. >> just to drill down on this for a second. we're all innocent until proven guilty, do you believe at this point -- and i know it's way early -- your client is going to plead innocent, not guilty? >> he's going to plead not guilty at this stage, there's no reason for him to plead any