they're communicating with. there's been a lot of work. i know fbi agents -- since this started, since the first incident. >> the soros package. >> on monday, there's been an fbi team on this for 24 hours. they were working through the night last night. through the day today. and they waited. and they waited. we heard there was going to be some movement, and they waited and waited. finally, for whatever reason, they chose to do it when they did, and finally an arrest has been made. >> so much more to learn, but this is a huge development in a situation of domestic terror, as we have heard from law enforcement officials calling it. i want to go back to washington, evan perez, do you have more information? >> poppy, we now know that the justice department is going to hold a press conference later at 2:30. the attorney general, as shimon was just mentioning, the attorney general had plans today. he cancelled them in anticipation this might happen. so it appears that the attorney general will be able to give a lot more details about this