voted against us getting good health care? we were going in for a routine repeal and replace, and he went thumbs down. not nice. >> or the repeated denigration of women. >> and when you're a star, they let you do it. it you can do anything. >> whatever you want. >> grab them by the pussy. you can do anything. i don't believe that hillary has the stamina. she gets out and she starts asking me all sorts of ridiculous questions, and, you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever. >> in an interview last week in "rolling stone" magazine, donald trump said the following about you, quote. look at that face. would anyone vote for that? can you imagine that, the face of our next president? mr. trump later said he was talking about your persona, not your appearance. >> i think women all over this country heard very clearly what mr. trump said. [ applause ] >> a sad litany of indifference, cruelty, and malice.