as the walking dead, this walking threat, especially to his posture as mr. tough guy on the border. as border patrol agents have told me many times, we're not a wall away from stopping this problem and this problem isn't really about people being drug dealsers and gang bangers and rapists. all that stuff comes across. overall, study after study has found immigrants are responsible for less crime than the rest of us. and, by the way, criminals don't usually form caravans, fyi. look, the biggest factor here is jobs. these people are fleeing places with anemic economies, trying to get to a country with more jobs than there are workers, the united states. all right. just two days ago trump's own department of labor announced the number of open jobs in this country tops 7 million, all right. most of those jobs are in industries that should matter politically to trump. farming, trucking, construction, just to name a few.