live down creepy country roads? 15 miles outside of harrison, and i feel like i'm in season 1 of "true detective." i wonder if a black man has ever been this far down this road. in addition to pastor robb, i've always been promised time with his daughter, knights party national organizer rachel pendergraft, co-host of robb's kkk internet show. >> i'm rachel pendergraft, welcome to another edition of "this is the klan." >> i'm also going to get to meet this guy. former neo-nazi billy roper. >> raise your hand if you're a white person and proud to be so. >> yeah! >> in recent years billy's become anakin to pastor robb's even more evil emperor palpatine. >> a lot of us have to work jobs with muds. we see muds on the streets all the time. we have to live with [ bleep ] skins. how do we make sure those little