this means. >> yeah, these are called special inquiries, spins. they're background investigations. what's happened here is the spin has been reopened or it's being supplemented. there will be interviews of the logical people they'll interview kavanaugh again. they will interview dr. ford again if they can get access. and they will interview anyone that is a potential witness. they'll do record checks. they might even go back to the safeway records that dr. ford alluded to. anything that corroborates or contradicts statements that key witnesses are saying or key facts, they'll do the best they can to uncover some records. i don't think it will take a week, but they can do it in about five days. >> all right. well, renato, would an investigation be credible if it didn't also consider the accusations of deborah ramirez or julie swetnick? renato, sorry. >> sorry. >> i don't think it would be.