bible. it's from thomas fuller. and the fbi is not starting a criminal investigation or anything like it. a in truth, we're not exactly sure what they'll be looking at. at this point, we know more about what it is not -- not a new criminal look into the guilt or innocence. it's not going to be about veracity. they're not going to say who's lying. but we do know it's limited in scope, whatever that means, and certainly limited in duration. the last may be the most troubling. a name we've not heard much in this process now just became a big deal. christopher wray, the head of the fbi. now, the president, the white house, they can make suggestions to him. but technically he decides what he does and how long it takes. it's really his call. and if he says, i can't do it in this time, or if they come back in a week and say, you know, we found some stuff we need to dig into a little bit more, well then what? the supplemental fbi background