correspondent, evan perez. what are you learning about the strategy behind calling rosenstein to testify in the coming days? >> well, wolf, now you have the president's allies in congress, matt gates and mark meadows, now saying they want to bring rosenstein to testify. perhaps as soon as this week about this -- this story in the "new york times" about his comments, allegedly made invoking the 25th amendment and about wiretapping the president. they think that bringing him to capitol hill and making him testify under oath will do a couple of things. it will certainly make rosenstein have to answer those tough questions, and people behind the scenes are advising the president not to fire rosenstein. instead to let this happen. because they believe that rod rosenstein will be damaged as a result of that hearing. he'll either have to resign or certainly they believe will make the politics a little bit better for him to be pushed out by the president. so that's what the president is hearing behind the scenes in anticipation of this thursday