presidency while you're overseeing an investigation -- >> fireable? >> probably. probably, depending on the context, to even joke about it. look, i look back to general mattis' reaction when he was asked about some of the things in the woodward book. he said, not only would i not say those things, i would not tolerate them at the department of defense. we should not have a different standard for the department of defense and department of justice -- >> do we know for fact that mattis didn't say those things? >> what we have with mattis is a denial and we don't have a denial with rosenstein -- >> is that true? you don't like those two denials from rosenstein? >> what i don't like about those denials is that he does not complicitly deny saying that he raised the prospect of wearing a wire on the president. >> you think he's a little cute in the denials? >> i do. and if you look at him, he really does leave that prospect open. but it's unfair to the country for you and i to be having this discussion in the absence of facts under oath. that's the only way we're going to get it done. and here's what i worry about, chris. i worry that our leadership wants to send us home at the end of the week and tell us to go campaign for the midterms and that we won't really get these answers.