comfortable, she feels secure, that she can tell her story like she wants to. i think they're bending over backwards. it would keep with that if they let mr. judge testify as well. look, he already said this didn't happen. >> it is different to have an attorney release a statement and say it under oath under penalty of perjury. why not subpoena him, make him make his case in front of the committee. >> i would love him to make his case before the committee. i would love for him to do that. >> one more thing, we talked about kavanaugh. i want to talk about the ad that came out overnight that's gone viral. an arizona house race from a candidate, david brill, against the incumbent, paul gosar. >> paul gosar the congressman isn't doing anything to help rural america. >> paul is not working for his district. >> if they care about health care, they care about their children's health care, they would hold him to account. if they care about jobs, they