focusing on the democrats once again saying why was this not brought up three months ago, why does senator feinstein specifically not bring it up when she was made aware of this allegation made against judge kavanaugh. but you no mention of the actual allegation, no mention of when he left the room and reporters were shouting questions at him about whether or not he believes the allegation and finds it credible. instead simply expressing sympathy for her and then of course as gloria was saying, he said that he did not believe that this was something that the fbi should get involved in, but he made it sound like that is something the fbi has told him, essentially saying that that is what they do -- that is not what they do. but the president there not answering any other questions about the assault allegation. but he does seem to believe that this is not inasmuch turmoil as the rest of washington does. he seemed to be projecting confidence once again that he believes brett kavanaugh could still be confirmed even if there is a public hearing where this woman who has accused him of sexual assault comes forward and