red state democrats who are still a big question mark. many democrats emphasizing they want to know more, that they can't yet vote yes unless they know more about the allegations, of course. certainly underscoring how much certainly hangs in the balance for judge kavanaugh on capitol hill tonight. >> lots at stake. thank you very much. we'll get to more. democratic senator patrick leahy joins us, the senior most democrat on the judiciary committee. been there a long time. lots of experience. senator, thank you very much for joining us. >> happy to be with you. >> do you have believe the judiciary committee will call on professor ford and judge kavanaugh and judge kavanaugh's supposed friend going back to high school, mark judge, to actually come before your committee and testify under oath? >> i think we have to. this will probably shock the white house, but i agree with president trump when he said a delay is not going to hurt anything. we should have a delay, get all the facts. you know, the fact is they've