yesterday. the noose river at kingston, from 5 to 14 and going up. well above major flood stage. here's goldsboro. here's the noose river at goldsboro. we're going to go from three feet and right this morning we're at 20 feet high. this river has gone up 17 feet in 24 hours. another one, the new river near gum branch. we've been from two feet to 23 this morning. the rivers all the way up and down even from northern north carolina all the way down to the ocean will have to take all of this water. cape fear river at fayetteville. 10 to 16, and the forecast is almost 60 feet. another, what, 30, 40 feet to go. people will have to get out of the way of the water. it's running back down. and it's still coming in. >> wow. that's why this is a multi-day event. thank you very much. we'll check back with you to see