should resign if the person truly is an appointee who has taken an oath to the constitution. >> kellyanne conway making a pretty dramatic conclusion about the process that went over by "the new york times" to allow this person to write the op-ed and give them that space when she has no idea who this person is. so it just shows you how the white house is attempting to try to muddy up the waters as it relates to this problem, but it's a problem that still exists. it's forced 25 senior administration officials to come forward and deny they have had any involvement with the writing of this op-ed. and it's also forced the president to suggest that perhaps the department of justice could get involved. that would mean a criminal act would have had to take place. and that was something that the vice president suggested this morning in that interview, fred. this continues to be something that is dogging this administration. the president said to be obsessed with finding out how the author of the op-ed is. at this point, they don't seem to have any idea who this person

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Person ,Kellyanne Conway ,Constitution ,Appointee ,Oath ,Process ,New York Times ,Conclusion ,Op Ed ,White House ,Idea ,Problem ,Waters ,Space ,Vice President ,Something ,Officials ,Administration ,President ,Writing ,Place ,Department Of Justice ,Criminal Act ,Involvement ,25 ,Fred ,Author ,Point ,Interview ,Op Ed Is ,

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