six-year term for the presidency and they're only allowed to serve for one term. in brazil, they have eight to nine-year terms for their senators. i think that actually helps to focus their mind, they're not interested in fighting the next election, they're there essentially to focus on public policy problems. >> people will say, this is all pie in the sky. in it today's world, are people going to pay politicians like the private sector? will they have mandatory voting? what do you say to that? >> first of all, i'm an eternal optimist. over 150 years ago, people said blacks couldn't vote, women couldn't vote, only landowners could vote. we changed the system. something is fundamentally wrong with the political process. money has seeped into the political process. as you know, 158 families in the united states are responsible for 50% of the political contributions. voter participation rates are at historical lows. i just think there's --