could do with this kind of approach to politics and do well to remember john mccain and his legacy as we go forward. i know that that's what he would like. within one of my last long conversations with john for over an hour was in february of this year as we sat out on the deck and we recommend nised about the old arizona politicians that he knew and admired so much, people like udaul, a democrat and local figure here as well, but he expressed optimism at that time that leaders would rise to the floor in future, who would put the good of the country above themselves and so i think that we ought to take that forward. >> i want to play for you a clip from senator mccain talking about you on the senate floor after you announced you would not run for re-election. let's take a listen. >> one of the great privileges of my life has been to have the opportunity to know you and serve with you. when the flake service to this