around the country which means nor for senator mccain because of his military service and his years in the hanoi hilton. the flag symbolism does help to define him, that code of honor i think runs in a straight line from vietnam and how he handled being a celebrated p.o.w. to capitol hill. even to the campaign trail since a duty to the country that was unairing. we all saw it, which is why the democratic minority leader chuck schumer suggested that the russell senate office building on capitol hill, been there for years and years, named after a democrat, by the way, should be named after the republican senator mccain. now this was a man who wasn't perfect. he had a temper that was almost the stuff of legend but he also had a great sense of comic timing that brought him a lot of friends, including senator joe lieberman of connecticut. these two men were so close that in 2008 when mccain was the