them iconic and that's why he gets so upset when everything in those different companies or different organizations when it's not glowing for them. goen on, michael d'antonio. >> you know, if "time" magazine is one example of a media outlet, he can't control, so he used to control what was on the cover of the "national enquirer" and as a result, i think he didn't respect them at all. and this relationship he had with david pecker was certainly mutual exploitation and it wasn't about journalism or respect. "time" magazine, cnn, he can't push either one of those institutions around and as a result, he respects them. >> yeah. thank you, both. appreciate your time. when we come back, a dog whistle coming straight from fox news to the president's twitter. we're going to tell you what he tweeted and why it's wrong and how it's part of a disturbing pattern of distracting and deflecting from headlines he

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