when she stepped in for pavarotti at the grammys when he was ill. she had such an incredible voice, she could sing anything. in the 1970s, when it seemed like her career was fading a little bit because soul music seemed to be on the wane, she rolled into the '80s and she released, i mean, classic pop songs that we still love today. and she collaborated with the arhythmics and with george michael. so just when people thought, okay, aretha franklin's career is over, she was like, oh, no, i still have plenty left. >> you know, she had tragedy in her life, too. she rarely discussed it. her father -- her father was shot by burglars, died several years later. she had a child, i believe, when she was very young, as a young teenager, as young as 13. >> yes. >> but she never shared those details in public. she was very private. >> she was extremely private. she was a teen mother. she also lost her mother when she was very young, 10 years old. and she said the death of her father, who after he was shot