against white supremacist ideals and jason kesseler got a permit in both places and said there would be 100 to 400 people. there were two dozen who showed up. they came and spoke and didn't get through speeches and spoke early. i do want to mention the police presence because it was large, very big police presence. some people are saying why are so many police there with only 20 or so unite the right marchers. because of what happened in charlottesville and because of what ended up happening with so much violence and then ended in the death of heather heier and two officers who died as well patrolling the skies. i think what happened in d.c. is exactly what people were hoping would happen, which is there is never a clash, a physical clash between these two groups. we also had a conversation with jason kesseler to ask him why pick this day? why pick the day when a lot of people see it to a slap in the