>> yes. >> yes. and i know that these magazines were highlighting because these are specifically magazines that don't traditionally have women of color gracing the covers. >> yeah, it's true. and just on what mikayla angela davis is saying, is my woman crush wednesday, i'm so happy to be on with her today. >> get in line. >> beyonce, she outlined in her interview with vogue, one of the things that she was told 21 years ago when she got in the business that it was going to be hard for her to get these covers because the narrative in this business and in this industry for so long has been black women don't sell. whether it's on magazine covers, whether it's opening movies, leading television shows, it's hard for black women to sell. that's what we've all heard for so long. >> this is the first september issue. >> that's why this also makes this so historic. the former editor of british vogue in an interview last year with the guardian, she laid it out. she put it out there bare. the reason why there hasn't been but eight black women on the