together some how. >> we have also heard, you know the administration, the u.s. administration, making sort of hints thamt tht this meeting wa the cards or considered at least. if there is a second summit. saying the north koreans would look it before the mid terms. that's 90 days away. is that possible according to the americans. and i guess where, that is the other big question, where would they hold the summit? >> it is possible. if for exam pull, kim jong-un were to come to new york for the united nations general assembly which kicks off on september 18th. a lot of world leaders flying in for that. room messieurs that that, the americans and north koreans were working out a deal to send kim jong-un or somebody of a very high level, like, the chief nuclear negotiator, but if kim jong-un did come to new york, could you imagine, a meeting at trump tower with the north korean leader and a sitting u.s. president. remember president trump hinted about a possible meeting last week on twitter. when he was thanking, chairman kim for, for returning the purported remains of u.s. korean service members also thanked him