jr. and his lawyers saying the meeting was primarily about adoption policy, not campaign politics. now even then, we knew and reported that adoption policy for the russian government, it's not about adoptions. it's about sanctions. not adoptions. so even in that statement, the notion that this was a meeting about helping orphans, it just didn't hold water. then the very next day, "the new york times" reported it most certainly was about the campaign, specifically about getting kremlin dirt on hillary clinton. so then the story from don jr., then it again changed once "the times" reported that. hoping to seem transparent, don jr. you may remember released some e-mails showing this is exactly what he had been promised. kremlin dirt on hillary clinton. and his e-mails also showed he was eager to receive it. and i quote from the mails, if it's what you say, he wrote to one of the go betweens, i love it. and remember, just a few months earlier, presumably with the memories that much fresher in his mind, he said he couldn't remember any campaign meetings with russians. and when he did, it wasn't about leveling dirt on hillary clinton, it was about adoptions.