>> but you had trillion and a half dollar deficits and a weak recovery. what we've always said to trump is get the economy moving at a faster pace. if you can get that growth rate up from less than 2% under obama to 3% or 4 %, you're going to gt a lot of tax revenue. cbo projecting tax revenues will be stronger than expected. >> why do they think there will be a trillion-dollar deficit? >> it's a spending problem. >> it's a republican majority in the house. >> i know. >> a republican majority in the senate. a republican president of the united states. why is spending out of control? >> because neither party, not the republicans or democrats, want to do anything about reducing the size of government. look, i'm not going to defend the republicans on the budget. i did talk to the president about the omnibus spending bill. i think he regrets not vetoing that bill to send a message to congress. given the fact spending is out of control, we better get the revenues up. a good way to do that is get people work. >> it would be great to get revenues up. but if you cut the taxes, some