anybody and he had me thoroughly confused. i think when he was talking about collusion, is it a crime or not, he almost appeared like a law professor. that's not where we are in the realm of law. this is about a political kangaroo court that the swamp is operating and we need to approach it and fight it like a political fight. this is a political cage match. this isn't about criminal law. so i think to me, he confused the issue there, and we need to continue to telegraph what the president has for many, many months. no collusion. and if there's no collusion, then they don't have a political case to usurp what we did in 2016. >> bakari, is that what it boils down to, to no collusion? again, giuliani today seemed to move the goal post saying, well, collusion is not a crime. so indicating, well, if there was collusion, it's not a crime. >> no, and i don't know what theoretical law is. somebody's going to have to explain that to me. i will tell you there are two tracks the white house is on right now. one, you have the criminal issues that have arisen and will