if he's so god dang hilarious because he just walked off with your school clothes money. it's fun, isn't it? i'm broke, i'm broke! >> what chappelle show did that other shows hadn't done was it was a sketch show about one guy. it's his point of view. >> he's hilarious. >> you're acting like a little bitch. >> chappelle has a brilliant mind, and sketch shows are pieces of your mind. he chose some very unconventional things like the charlie murphy stories. i wouldn't have thought to do that as a sketch. >> after it was all over, he took us in the house and served us pancakes. >> ask your doctor if you're healthy enough for sexual activity. if you have an erection lasting longer than four hours, call me. hi. i'm amy schumer and you can buy lab coats on ebay. >> amy's pretty hose to chappelle show in terms of you