discussing. this is reagan airport in washington, d.c., the man spotlighted on the left of the screen, just sitting there. this is robert mueller. this is the special counsel who is the one we've been saying knows way more than we all. do he is the one leading this russia probe into trump and the trump campaign. on the right side of the screen in the ball cap is the president's son, don jr., who is the western who was part of the trump tower meeting michael cohen now says his dad knew about. sitting feet from each other in the washington, d.c. airport. awkward! >> can i just say, the best part about this, too, is that this is gate 35 x at dca which is famous for people who unfortunately spend too much time at that airport as being the dreaded gate where you have to get on to the shuttle, get to the gate. i do not like that gate. the fact that that photo was taken there is just -- >> point being, they would have