and then he'll go on and on and won't walk away from the camera. >> he's more loquacious. i wouldn't say transparent. because with the -- here's the key to decoding our president. when his lips move, he lies. now, his lips move on awful lot and he lies an awful lot. this is not just me, it's "the washington post" fact checker who says he's set the ncca record for presidential lying. but this is what he wants. he wants us talking about this. he wants his supporters to hate cnn and any other truth teller. it's why -- think why it's -- because he knows there's going to be some facts coming, i suspect, from mr. mueller that are pretty damning to him and he wants us to be blind to facts. >> okay, appreciate it. republicans introducing a resolution to impeach the deputy attorney general, rod rosenstein. you see him there. impeachment? we'll explain exactly what that breaking news means in our special series, stakes are high. trump allowing one of the most controversial mining projects in alaska's history to move forward.

Related Keywords

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