tell me what happened then. >> reporter: that's right, erin. to give a little background of what i was doing in there, i was the only reporter representing all of the networks there. so i wasn't just acting on behalf of cnn, but it's therefore all of us, so fewer reporters can go into a smaller venue like the oval office and still be able to pose questions to the president. this is a very regular occurrence. also, when there are these type of pool sprays, as they're referred to back a hehere at th white house, the president is asked questions quite often. and sometimes, a lot of the times, erin, he does answer those questions. but today the president did not. and we left the room after we were escorted out by those members of the administration. and then i, a few minutes later, or shortly thereater was called into the office of bill shine, the president's latest hire. we discussed what had happened. they said that because of a result of the questions that i posed to president trump, i would not be invited to the event in the rose garden. i was actually disinvited from that event that was open to all reporters, not as that oval office event was, that's an event open to all credentialed