does that change things if no money traded hands? >> well, i think if no money traded hands, you would have a hard time making out an election law violation. i think, on the other hand, if the national enquirer killed the story because a deal was made with president trump or his campaign representatives, then i think you would have an argument that that's an unreported campaign contribution. >> one other thing, laura, that i do want to get to. another part of this recording that's not getting as much attention but i think it should is, quote, all this stuff. so the president says, what are we going to do? and michael cohen responds, yes, and it's all the stuff, all the stuff, because, you know, you never know where that company -- meaning ami, the owner of these publications -- you never know where he's going to be, meaning david pecker. that's what is assumed, the owner of the company. so all this stuff raises all the the questions, right, laura?